Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sometimes I feel like the odds are stacked against me!

I’m a single mom with Bipolar Disorder trying to raise a teenage boy by myself. There’s never enough money to buy the things we need and his father isn’t in the mix at all. Each day, the struggle to get up is magnified by the worry that my son will not get up and go to school. I’m afraid he’s Bipolar too. I try to be a good role model but sometimes it’s really tough to do. How can I teach my son self-confidence and inner strength when I’m fighting the battle for myself every day?

I know there are others that survive greater obstacles than I’ll ever face. This doesn’t always comfort me but at least I feel less alone. I’ve looked into support groups but I haven’t convinced myself to attend any meetings yet. Procrastination is one of my worst faults. I let the ‘molehills become mountains’ and struggle to break them down.

Then there are the days when I stretch and wake up looking forward to the day. My son is dressed and ready to go and there’s sunshine and a cool breeze greeting us at the door. I chip away at the mountain and smile at my silly cat. My favorite show is on TV tonight and dinner was especially tasty. I try to imprint those days over the pictures of my bad days.

There are no miraculous cures for living life. What works for one person doesn’t always work for someone else. What I have learned is that you won’t get anywhere unless you stand up and head in some direction – anywhere is better than nowhere.

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